Our Pillars
For the Future of Accessibility
Is a resource truly a resource if you don’t know about it or can’t access it? The Fowler-Lindgren administration’s accessibility initiatives will work to make Penn State as affordable and supportive for all students by decreasing unnecessary barriers, reducing trip times, providing critical information, and efficiently allocating your student fee money.
For the Future of Empowerment
WE ARE here to help you find your place and succeed at Penn State. Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) means long-term systemic change that ensures specialized support for all members of our campus community. The Fowler-Lindgren administration, in partnership with student organizations and university offices, will work to ensure that all Penn Staters feel a sense of belonging through new and revitalized university-wide initiatives.
For the Future of Campus
A future-thinking university requires 21st-century infrastructure, and students deserve to see their demands implemented. With expertise in sustainability and university expenditures, Mike and Ben will work to ensure that Penn State integrates the highest quality technology and services into its infrastructure while being mindful of its environmental impact.
Increasing Mental Health Resource Efficiency- Lowering Your Wait Times: We will work with CAPS, the Herr Clinic, and the Student Fee Board to decrease wait times for mental health resources on campus while ensuring they are properly funded.
CATA Grocery Store Free Bus Rides– Ensuring Food Accessibility: We will be working with CATA to provide weekend hours with free rides to North Atherton for high-quality produce from the larger grocery stores. This will ensure access to quality food for students without a car or have trouble affording bus tokens.
Greek Giving: Campus Basic Needs Drive: We will work with the Lion’s Pantry, Days4Girls, the Office of Student Care and Advocacy, the Interfraternity Council, and the Panhellenic Council to help advertise and facilitate a standardized donation drive period for food, hygiene, and period products.
Enhancing the Accessibility Task Force: We will continue the accessibility task force, in collaboration with the Penn State Disability Alliance and UPUA’s committees, while bringing in relevant offices to ensure greater accessibility on campus.
Financial Education Program– Helping You Budget: We will work with the Sokolov-Miller Center and the Civic Engagement Alliance to build a new PR campaign for students to gain greater financial literacy.
Scholarship and Grant Database - We will work with the Office of Undergraduate Research and Fellowships Mentoring (URFM) to develop one central location for all Penn State-provided scholarships and grants that enhance your academic experience.
Integrated Degree Spotlight: What Integrated Undergraduate Graduate (IUG) Programs are Available to You? - We will collaborate with the Graduate and Professional Student Association (GPSA) for a new PR campaign that highlights Integrated Undergraduate Graduate (IUG) programs offered by Penn State for students to save on graduate degrees.
Enhanced SVAP Education - First-Year Seminars and Residence Life: We will cover SVAP topics in first-year seminar courses and during RA floor meetings by partnering with relevant university offices and “It’s on Us” to prevent sexual violence in on-campus living spaces.
Strengthening the Student Minority Advisory Recruitment Team (SMART): We will work with the Paul Robeson Cultural Center and Undergraduate Admissions to enhance SMART recruitment programs for student minorities on campus.
Revitalizing Women’s Empowerment Week: We will rebuild Women’s Empowerment Week through new leadership luncheons and collaboration with organizations like the Panhellenic Council, Schreyer for Women, Days4Girls, and major-based women’s empowerment organizations.
Cross-Cultural Engagement Experiences: We will encourage the implementation of greater cultural programming at widely attended PSU events through collaborations with cultural dance groups, identity caucuses, and the Center for Social Change and Belonging
Expansion of the WorkLink Program: We will ensure that the WorkLink program is properly funded, expanded, and supported for individuals with Intellectual Disabilities (ID) to gain higher education experiences.
Rebuilding the “PA Big Three” Student Government Conference: We will re-establish a yearly student government conference of Pennsylvania’s largest public universities for information sharing and collaboration: Penn State University, Temple University, and the University of Pittsburgh
Meet the Administrators: We will develop regular programming to further connect high-level university administrators with general members of the student body
Identity-Group-Focused NSO and First-Year Seminars: We will work with the Multicultural Greek Council (MGC) to ensure that a portion of NSO and First Year Seminars are dedicated to specific identity groups and how they can become involved on campus
“Zero Waste Penn State” Expanded Recycling Programming: We will expand recycling infrastructure in dorms and at Penn State Football games while increasing partnerships with RSOs. We will ensure that updates to Penn State’s composting facilities are properly funded.
Penn State Students and Artificial Intelligence: Faculty Senate Partnerships: We will engage with the faculty senate to discuss students’ opinions on AI usage in coursework to ensure the responsible management of this new educational tool across colleges and majors.
Penn State University Food Procurement Database: We will ensure that data concerning Penn State’s purchasing of all food products, and the percentage of locally-grown products, will be available to the student body to view in a regularly updated database. This will cover procurement, distribution, and recovery alongside Lion’s Pantry data.
Expanding Campus Transportation- Airport, Student Farm, and Beyond: We will increase access to the Ross Student Farm, Airport, and Innovation Park through White and Blue Loops while supporting greater bike lane development.
Supporting the Sustainable Landscapes Implementation Plan: We will support EcoReps and the Office of Physical Plan with the implementation of the SLIP. This plan will reestablish native plants and pollinator-friendly spaces on campus to ensure climate resilience and enhance biodiversity.
What do RAs Need? Roundtable Series with ARHS: We will partner with ARHS to assess what infrastructure and programming support is necessary for on-campus students through advice from RAs. As residence halls continue to be renovated, we are here to help in providing valuable student input.